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SSPP invites applications for membership from qualified philosophers and psychologists. Apply for membership and register for the annual meeting through your online account.

Membership Classes

Full Membership

In order to be eligible for full membership, candidates must be engaged professionally in Philosophy and/or Psychology, or provide evidence of a substantially equivalent interest and competence.

Normally, this is interpreted to mean that the applicant has a Ph.D. degree or a doctoral degree in related areas, and is devoting a major professional effort in teaching, research, and/or practice.

Associate Membership

Those who do not have a Ph.D. but are actively involved in teaching or research in philosophy or psychology are eligible for associate membership.

This category includes graduate students pursuing the Ph.D. in one of the disciplines. Applicants for associate membership should submit a copy of their curriculum vitae with their applications.

Emertius Membership

Those who hold full membership and retire from active teaching or research may apply for a change of status to emeritus membership, which relieves the member of obligations for annual dues.

Honorary Life Membership

Honorary Life Membership is a status earned through sustained and significant dedication and contribution to the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. This status may be recommended by the Executive Council at any annual meeting and the confirmed via a unanimous vote of the Membership present at the Business Meeting.

We thank our Honorary Life Members for their contributions to this Society and, more broadly, to the disciplines of philosophy and psychology:

Honorary Life Members

Ken Aizawa James Harris Norman Remley
Michael J. Beran Lisa Heimbauer Donald Schmsky
John Bickle Donald Lee Donald W. Sherburne
Douglas Browning Clyde Noble Nancy Simco
Richard A. Burns James Oliver Roger K. Thomas
Thomas C. Cadwallader Hajime Otani David Washburn
Dorothy Coleman Debra Pate Wilse B. Webb
Stephen F. Davis James L. Pate Rem Edwards
Andrew Reck

Additional Information

Applicants are required to pay their dues in advance of consideration of their application. Dues are credited for the annual year in which they are paid. Dues will be refunded in the event of a negative decision on an application.

All applications for membership are acted upon by the Membership Chair. The Membership Chair evaluates the qualifications of the applicant and then contacts the applicant to formally accept or reject their application.

The Membership Chair makes a new member report to the SSPP Council during the Council meeting that convenes during the annual meeting and to the full membership at the Business Meeting that also occurs during the annual meeting.

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